Friday, September 6, 2019

Importance of Creativity for Mental Health

I recently spoke at an amazing event organised by @creativeminds raising money for @mhq mental health research charity and @bellhousenews. A range of musicians, poets, artists and textile creatives shared their work and spoke about their experience of mental health. It reminded me how mental health touches all of us- whether directly or through those we care about. I share my speech from the day below: 

In my daily work I work with businesses and communities increasing awareness of MH and supporting us all to find the right tools that improve our well-being, this can be different for us all- what works for me may not be right for you. 

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Five Ways to Well-being

We seem to live in difficult uncertain times which can have a negative impact on our individual and collective well-being. It can lead to feeling of despair and dis-empowerment. On top of that the pace of life seems to be increasing along with working hours. The constant need to be connected via social media means it is hard to switch off and recharge our batteries. 

But there are small, simple and often free changes that can make a real difference to your everyday life and well-being- in turn impacting on the well-being of those around you. If you lead others will follow creating a ripple effect of positivity. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Making a choice you never wanted to make- funerals

What is it about funeral directors that makes them fit into two equally awful categories that means an already overwhelming task feel almost impossible? 
Image result for green funeral choices
When my husband, Steve died this year, I was determined to do a funeral I wanted, nothing too out of the ordinary, although you would have thought I was asking for the earth. Instead of just using the first funeral directors I found, (why are they even called funeral directors the whole thing makes me feel I have gone back to Victorian times.) Anyway, as I was saying I decided to visit a few places to find somewhere that I felt listened to me and I felt comfortable to carry out this important task alongside the family and I.   

What is Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training?

You may have heard of Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) but don’t really know what it involves or if it’s right for you 

MHFA is an evidence-based training course designed to follow the same protocol of traditional first aid. Much the same as physical first aid training, MHFA is open to anyone and does not require prior knowledge or experience. There are 2 day,1 day and half day courses, offering differing levels of Knowledge and skills, all increasing awareness and reducing stigma.  

MHFA Two Day course sets out to increase a person’s confidence to assist someone experiencing a mental health issue or crisis and guide them sensitively and effectively to a place of support Participants learn how to recognize signs and symptoms and how to have a mental health conversation.  

Creating a Culture of Kindness and gratitude.

We have all seen health and well-being programmes that just tick a box and do the same old thing, such as money off gym membership, Employee Assistance Programmes and maybe an onsite massage. But there is so much more workplaces could do to have a real benefit for employees. 


Happy, engaged employees perform better and have less sickness, which obviously benefits your business. Mental ill health costs UK employers an estimated £34.9 billion each year – the equivalent of £1,300 for every employee in the UK workforce. Broken down, that’s £10.6 billion in sickness absence, £21.2 billion in reduced productivity and £3.1 billion in replacing staff who leave their jobs for mental health-related reasons. 

Monday, September 2, 2019

What we learned in Mental Health First Aid

Guest Blog by Jo Phaure- Twining Enterprise are a charity supporting people with mental health issues into employment. 
Along with many of my Twining Enterprise colleagues I attended Twining Enterprise’s Mental Health First Aid course held on 7 and 8 February and learnt a huge amount which will enable me to better recognise and support colleagues with mental health needs.

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In the two days we covered a wide range of topics in particular helping us understand the full range of mental health conditions that people might be affected by and giving us the tools to respond even in the most severe cases.